STACS® has a class device to best fit your need

(click for specific information)

Designed for Man-Portable Deployment
Designed for Vehicle and Mobile Deployment
Designed for Site/Facility/Location Deployment
“Developed in Response to Lessons Learned from 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the SBInetfailure, and GAO Reports” with input from the Army, State and Local Emergency Professionals and First Responders.


The STACS 200 Integration Hub brings a new level of integration, flexibility and simplicity to field communications. A single module provides failover backhaul capabilities, full firewall and router capabilities including IPV6, a 50 line VOIP switch and a two channel ROIP interface complete with 14-20 hours of battery based runtime and a flexible external power system.

STACS 200 Features

  • No Trailers
  • No Servers
  • No Security Management
  • No Power Management
  • No Technicians
  • No New Radios
  • No Equipment
  • No High Costs
  • Unified Communications System
  • Software Defined Network
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Smart Power Management
  • Encryption
  • Interoperability
  • Low Life Cycle Cost
  • Targeted 10 year Life

STACS 200 Interoperability

  • Internet
  • VOIP​
  • ROIP
  • VPN Encryption
  • Windows Bridging Client
  • Full PBX Android or Apple PDA App
  • Call Optimizer
  • Incident Management
  • STACS as a Service
  • Any Satellite Service
  • Any Cell Service

STACS 200 Integration Hub Features

  • Weight 4.5 lbs., Dimensions 10”x8″x2”
  • Three Ethernet ports, two with 802.3at POE support
  • All Ethernet ports individually configurable for WAN, LAN, Guest LAN, DMZ and Mesh
  • Internal WiFi plus external long range 802.11ac dual band access points
  • Dual independent radio interfaces supporting analog and digital radios including P25 and SINCGARS, all waveforms, all                frequencies
  • Each ROIP port can be bridged locally or to any remote STACS ROIP port regardless of backhaul by name with no network            configuration
  • Fully integrated and automatic IP (GIG Initiative/NetCentric operations) to any back haul
  • Tested with NIPRnet/SIPRnet gateways (KG-250X, SECNET-54)
  • INMARSAT BGAN Satellite, VSAT, MilSAT support with WiFi and Ethernet connectivity
  • Supports USB, WiFi and Ethernet cellular adapters including MiFi devices
  • Minimal Training, Quick Setup, less than 5 Minutes to Deploy
  • Internal battery with charger supporting 14 hour worst case run-time with external power
  • Flexible external power support including 110/220V AC adapter and 10-36V DC
  • Simple local and remote device administration with secure, encrypted access
  • Redundant back haul and Cloud based infrastructure with optional private cloud servers for high security applications
  • VOIP call termination to any phone number, domestic or international
  • Multiple incoming phone numbers with flexible call routine and available automatic attendant
  • Built-in conference bridge server with automatic bandwidth minimization and seamless connection of ROIP and VOIP                    bridges
  • Up to 30 concurrent VOIP calls and ROIP bridges over BGAN, up to 50 concurrent calls and bridges over cellular and VSAT            backhaul subject to available bandwidth
  • Backhaul packet aggregation minimizes satellite airtime costs and maximizes satellite data transfer efficiency
  • Minimal maintenance and customer replaceable battery with four year service life
  • Available with carry handle or rack/wall mount hardware
  • Proven reliability with 99.9999% system up time over full operational history

STACS 100 systems can be upgraded to support most software capabilities of the STACS 200. Existing customers will be contacted to coordinate STACS 100 firmware upgrades. All units sold after January 2011 can be upgraded remotely. Older units may require factory service for upgrades. STACS 100 units are not required to be upgraded and can be operated with existing firmware for the foreseeable future.

Technical queries about the STACS 200 hardware and software may be directed to lifetime support at 480-626-2318 or